2oldman wrote:
Ductape wrote:
the coach is prewired with 10AWG from the roof which would handle parallel
OK, I will have to eat those words. Just crawled into the basement to do my due diligence and Newmar has stepped up their game. Last coach was #10, this one is #6.
@ CA Traveller, I do recall seeing your install before, very nice! If I was looking for more performance I'd go down that road. Two things changed my thinking this time around:
-Spent ten days camping in the trees in NH last fall. My high performance solar system was useless.
-Worst of all was trading in the coach for this one. Hated seeing those panels and controller go with the coach. Kissed a big investment goodbye, but I wasn't going to leave holes in the roof. We did swap batteries and kept our AGM. And I'm the sort that trade may happen again in a few years, so...