I think I found the fusible link off the starter relay - had to go thru the doghouse. However, I don't understand the link - it doesn't have a fuse. When you take it apart, it has a male probe in the bottom half that mates with female hole in the cap. 12V light probe didn't light up when I touched the male probe or the female probe while ignition was off. However, when I turned ignition on, male probe lit up. So don't think that was it.
So I took a fusible link and went from a "hot" source at fuse box under the dash with ignition "on" to the positive side of the fuse holder for the clearance lights.
Clearance/running lights lit up. I'm bypassing the light switch - doesn't matter whether it's on or off, the clearance lights are on.
Would this suggest light switch is the problem?