Forum Discussion

LVNRRV's avatar
Jan 18, 2021

NORCOLD N7V - Red Light When On Gas

I have a Norcold N7V that is showing a red light when changing to gas mode. The unit is about 1.5 yrs old and we run it on AC 99% of the time. I decided to test the gas mode and the red error light continuously comes on. After switching back to AC, the error goes back to green.
The pilot is lighting the flame as it should when the AC is removed and then cutting the flame when the AC is restored.

I know it worked at one point as I tested it when we purchased the travel trailer.

I researched the issue in the troubleshooting but there is not a solution for all the components working but giving a red error light.

Has anyone experienced this issue before?

Thank you
  • Norcolds built in the past 2 or 3 years have a problem with BAD logic in the rear control boards. ALL different types of failures and problems. You need to have it checked out at a Norcold Service center. Hopefully you are under Norcold's warranty. Once the Tech checks out the Norcold and talks to Norcold, odds are Norcold will send a replacement Board. Doug

    Norcold warranty is 2 years.
  • Norcold N7V Service Manual

    Pg 15
    *If the power ON/indicator light is solid RED, there is a problem and the refrigerator is not cooling. Refer to "Fault Codes N7V and N8V Models" section.

    Pg 17. Fault Codes
    Should none of the heat source inputs be available, the poser ON/indicating light will be solid RED.

    Solid RED see Fault Code Pg 18.
    Possible Cause:
    120VAC not available. Refrigerator defaulted to propane gas operation, but did not establish a flame (Gas Lockout)

    So are you SURE the Flame is lighting off and STAYING Lit??
    *No pilot flame....main flame is ignited by spark electrode

    Flow Chart goes thru ALL the steps to check (AC & GAS) if solid RED Fault Light

    IF you do in fact have solid RED AND the Main Flame IS ON/Stays ON then try GAS MANUAL MODE Pg 15 *2nd Priority Mode

    IF Flame is ON/Stays ON with solid RED Fault Light on then unplug Communication wire between Upper and Lower Boards which is the Blu/BL at Pin 14 (16 pin connector n Lower Board) Unplug/replug that 16 pin connector

    Wiring Diagram on Pg.55

    Gas Flame ON & Red Light ON........communication issue between upper/lower boards
    Red Light ON and GAS FAILS....New Gas Valve Train (the WHOLE individual parts)

    Also check the Diagnostic Mode Screen 4 (Stored Faults)----- Pg 51
    And Screen 8 (Power Board Outputs) when ON Gas ---- Pg 52