I have seen my digital ammeter, during engine cranking, read as high as 170 amps when coastal southern california winter cold ( not very cold) but usually this is ~120 amps overnight cold.
When engine is warm, I see 65 to 75 amps. I think the ammeters refresh rate is about 3 to 4 times a second, and my engine rarely cranks for a full second before catching. I wish I had a clampmeter with a peak amp hold to really see.
My point was that this Northstar battery cranks my engine faster than any other battery, or batteries in parallel, that I have used in the past.
I've started my engine with 65Ah removed from the 90Ah capacity without issue or even cranking significantly slower.
While i did not monitor voltage as closely with previous batteries when starting, whether my stereo turned off during engine cranking was somewhat of a yardstick as to voltage held during this event.
2 newish flooded marine 27 batteries in parallel did worse on this yardstick than my single Northstar AGM. I've never seen my stereo turn off during engine cranking with the Northstar. My stereo is wired to bypass ignition.
For purely deep cycle duty I believe the Lifeline battery is unbeatable, but when dual purpose is required, perhaps Odyssey or Northstar are the better choice. Sacrifice some cycles for higher CCA/ instant available juice. How many cycles are sacrificed, vs how important those higher CCAs are,is certainly subjective with many many contributing variables, and I cannot guess.
Not sure it is really worth stressing about though. I'll be deep cycling My Northstar-27 to death while doing my best to recharge it properly, regularly. So far, it is behaving well, and honestly, impressively so.
The only noticeable difference in its current performance compared to when new, is the Super violently quick engine cranking ability is somewhat diminished, and it reaches absorption voltage with lesser amperages required than when new. But in terms of voltage held while discharging 45Ah from it overnight, it is like cycle number 20, while likely in the 365 to 400 deep cycle range and 32 months old.
The 'Thin plate pure lead' AGMs might be just marketing mumbo jumbo to impress the neophyte, or perhaps they have found a good balance between instant power and cycling ability.
I can only report on the performance of my Northstar as I use it, with more observation tools and interest in results than 99.9% of battery buyers, and So far, the Northstar battery impresses me.
Would the Lifeline group 27 impress me as much in the same usage? I have no Idea.