Forum Discussion

nchanger's avatar
Jan 03, 2016

Onan 4KY

I'm still learning this forum while my brain is still trying to figure out my generator problem,So hope I'm posting this properly..I had found generator Jim on an older question is why Im in here he seemed to know this thing pretty well..but any help Im sure would be fine with me..
Anyway I have this thing starting but dying which seems typical for these..Although this one did have mice or rats in it and chewed the fuel solenoid wire..I fixed that and have cleaned the carb because the plunger was also hanging clicks well now, Anyway One question is with me having a volt meter and splicing into the solenoid wire when I start it I see voltage over 12V of course you know I only see this when it runs for it 10 or 20 seconds..runs longer when I hold switch Is this voltage coming from the regulator or battery when it gets to running?..Trying to figure out where its loosing spark or whats causing it..?.So is my regulator ok since the solenoid gets volts when running? I am going to try the volts to the 2 wires to regulator see if it will stay running..So will stand by and await an answer also..
Thank anyone!
  • if that is an older Onan, they used a resister in the start circuit to reduce the voltage after it started to save the points. If the resister blows then you only get spark while holding in the start button.
  • Typically a small engine like that which runs for a few seconds and then dies......has a fuel delivery problem (or gunk inside the carb) and NOT an electrical problem.

    It is possible that the control board is detecting a low output voltage or other critical fault though.

    At this point, my guess would be that the carb is still gunked up.
    Some of the jets are almost impossible to clean without a complete dis-assembly.