Bill.Satellite wrote:
The nice thing about the Pathway is that ALL of the Dish programming is available on the 72.7 satellite so 2 receivers can watch whatever programming they like with only 1 restriction. There are NO Networks available on 72.7.
If you want to watch any Network programming you are going to be limited to each receiver watching programming coming from that 1 satellite.
Bill, Dish recently moved the majority of the "cable" channels from 72.7 to 61.5. I'm still waiting to see what they have in mind for 72.7 since their lease with Telesat Canada is for the expected 15 year life of the satellite. It launched in 2009. Here's the current list of what channels are on each of the eastern arc satellites. Note the lack of popular channels like History, Discovery, TLC, Animal Planet, etc., as well most sports and national news channels, on 72.7.