The power window in my driver's door has been has been driving me nuts for a couple years now. It will quit working a day or two after a "repair." In taking the door apart it will start working. Clean all the connectors and door switch, put it back together, and a day or two later it will quit again. Beating on the door inside and out does no good. I had been cleaning all connections real well and using dielectric compound. This last time I skipped putting the compound back on and it seems to be working now. I go out every day and check it.
In a similar problem. I completely serviced my fridge burner a few months ago and on a short trip the week before Memorial Day it quit working. All I had to do was jiggle a single wire having those push together connectors to get it working again. And that pair had been sprayed with contact cleaner and put back together with dielectric compound on them during the servicing.
Sometimes I guess things just don't want to make good contact.