"If you are getting phase separation due to water getting in the gas, fix the leak that's letting rain water in"
With high humidity and condensation, that's a pretty tall order.
The rubber fuel hose connectors to my factory fuel filter were supple. A month later they were as hard and stiff as plastic. I had filled the tank first time with laced 15% gasoline in the states. Maybe alcohol does not harm newer car rubber components but this is coincidence?
Why don't the USA Central Planning Committees take on fuel wasting traffic signals and other fuel wasters? After using Mexico's amazing public transit system the USA public system is like going to Bangladesh. Two points, 7.3 miles apart deep within heavily urbanized San Diego. FIVE POINT THREE HOURS INCLUDING ENDLESS TRANSFER WAITING.
Double deck freeways through urban areas. The top deck being designed for through traffic with far fewer on and off ramps. Saves buying land for lane increases. I know, that's too hard. Mexico has VIAS RAPIDAS. Express lanes for through traffic. While traffic outside the VIA RAPIDA is inching along, the VIA RAPIDAS are full of cars doing 45-50 MPH.
But putting food in the gas tank? Fer crying out loud EXPORT TE FOOD AND REDUCE THE BALANCE OF TRADE DEBT! If alcohol is a must for the USA Politburo, make it federal law that every bit of sugar BEETS grown must be first used (before corn) for alcohol. Corn is a horrible source of alcohol. Sugar beets give 5x the sugar per acre.
Teapot Dome Scandal,Bernie Madoff. Nothing stands in the way of FOOD FOR SPECULATORS consumer ripoff.
"Baaaa!" Now jump, it's your turn...