DiskDoctr wrote:
2 weeks ago a buddy told me of a respected friend who removes ethanol from his gas.
He uses red food coloring in a little water and adds it to his gas and mixes it up. The ethanol binds to the water, then he lets it sit and decants.
I haven't tried it myself, but quite frankly that is similar to drying biodiesel (except for the food coloring).
If you try it, let us know how it works! I plan to try it sometime.
This will only work when the alcohol contained in the fuel mix is already totally permeated with water. then and only then will you get all your water back.
When the alcohol is dry, it will absorb the water and simply tell you that the fuel has alcohol in it.
that is what this test is for, finding out if the fuel has alcohol.
There is two methods to remove alcohol from white gas stocks:
1. centrifuge by separating the ingredients by weight.
2. heating to the boiling point and re-condensating it back to liquid in a cracking tower, as it was made in the first place.