Did this on my TT. Had to slide the fridge out about 4 inches to gain access to the backside - the drain is just a bit too high/tight to reach from the outside access panel.
Here's what I did:
4-5 feet of 1/2-inch i.d. clear vinyl tubing from Lowe's/Home Depot-type plumbing dept. (I bought 5, had exactly 1 foot scrap when done)
A package of black, 6- or 8-inch zip-ties (you'll use 5 or 6).
Soapy fluid for gas line check on reassembly.
Bug block for the drain line, from RV supplier.
Square-head screwdriver
Straight-blade screwdriver
Flare-nut or open-end wrenches for gas line
Wire cutters
1) GAS VALVES CLOSED AT TANK, 'cause you will likely have to disconnect the gas behind the fridge.
2) Remove screws from the face-frame of the front of the fridge- doors open, mine had two lower, two upper behind the control panel.
3) Remove the outside grill and mounting screws at the back of the fridge- mine had two along the lower frame of the fridge.
4) Disconnect the gas flare fitting. Try to avoid bending the gas lines when separating the fitting.
5) Now you can push/wiggle/slide the fridge into the trailer by enough to get your arm up behind it, about 4 inches in my case.
6) Clip the zip-ties that clamp the old drain line and pull it out.
7) Feed the new tubing up and onto the drain outlet on the back of the fridge. Use a zip-tie as a hose clamp there; clip off the excess tail.
8) Route the tubing down through the condensing tubes minimizing kinks and avoiding the burner chimney. Form a loop to act as a P-trap and align the tube to exit the top-most vent louver; use 3-4 zip-ties to secure it in place, clip excess tails.
9)Slide the fridge back into place and reinstall the mounting screws. Reconnect the gas line; turn the gas valve on at the tank and check the connection with soap-bubble solution; if OK, gas off again.
10) Route the drain line out through the upper louver and reinstall the grill; should have 4-ish inches hanging out. If you have bug screens, you may need to cut an exit hole with wire cutters.
11) Install bug block in drain line and use zip-tie as a hose clamp.
12) Optional (or not :D) frosty adult beverage....