Forum Discussion

Sooner_Schooner's avatar
Dec 15, 2017

Replacing a Sharp Carousel Microwave/Convection Oven

Here's the problem. We have a 2008 Damon Tuscany that has a Sharp Microwave/Convection oven model #R-1870F. Has anyone here replaced their Sharp R-1870F oven? Sharp does not have a model that replaces this one. If so, what did you use and do? Only people with this oven will know about the issues, it would be too lengthy and confusing to explain what mounting issues we have. Thanks in advance for any help.
  • DrewE wrote:
    The Sharp R1874 and R1881 models appear (from online seller information, at least) to have identical dimensions and I think a similar mounting scheme. GE and other brands also have over-the-range microwaves of very similar if not identical dimensions, some quite possibly made in the same factory.

    Drew, you are correct. I just ordered the R-1874T, and I believe it will actually bolt to the existing mounting plate. At least 3 people posted reviews that it did. Keeping our fingers crossed, thank you all for the input.
  • The Sharp model and almost all Over the counter Microwave/Convection ovens are HOME appliances that are used in an RV. So, the cabinet will be built for any type Home Convection Oven that fits the dimensions of the cabinet. No different than having 10 year old Sharp Oven in your house and you needed to replace it. The ONLY difference between Home and RV mounts is the OEM has added a few mount screws or brackets that secure the Oven to keep from pulling loose from the wall mount in transit. If you find another Brand or same brand that fits, all you do is install the new wall mount bracket on the sidewall. Doug
  • The Sharp R1874 and R1881 models appear (from online seller information, at least) to have identical dimensions and I think a similar mounting scheme. GE and other brands also have over-the-range microwaves of very similar if not identical dimensions, some quite possibly made in the same factory.
  • We had a different model Sharp Convection microwave in our 2008 rig and when it bit the dust last year we found that model had been replaced with a recently redesigned version with a new model number. Took a bit of work online to find one with the same exact dimensions but we did. Fit perfectly, actually performs better and has all the same features we loved on the old one. These Sharp combination convection microwave ovens can't simply be replace with something off a Walmart (or any big box store) shelf if want to continue to enjoy all capabilities of this enhanced version.
  • donn0128 wrote:
    Ypu dont need an exact model. Take measurements, go to the store and buy one that will fit the existing opening. Most any microwave will fit.

    No, it would be a major reconstruction to mount a regular microwave, this is not in a cabinet. We would have to build a cabinet, add brackets, etc. I'm hoping for a more direct replacement type that mounts the same way. I may have just got lucky and found another Sharp model that mounts the same. But thank you.
  • donn0128 wrote:
    Ypu dont need an exact model. Take measurements, go to the store and buy one that will fit the existing opening. Most any microwave will fit.

    No, it would be a major reconstruction to mount a regular microwave, this is not in a cabinet. We would have to build a cabinet, add brackets, etc. I'm hoping for a more direct replacement type that mounts the same way. I may have just got lucky and found another Sharp model that mounts the same. But thank you.
  • Ypu dont need an exact model. Take measurements, go to the store and buy one that will fit the existing opening. Most any microwave will fit.