scroller95969 wrote:
Thanks for all the answers. What kind of adhesive should I use to reattach the EDPM roof to the plywood? Would the 3m spray adhesive work or will that attack the EDPM roof?
The 3 M probably has a petroleum distillate in it so it will definitely attack the rubber.
Check the plywood with a moisture meter, the ply may feel dry but could have moisture that you can't detect. Ensure that you push the pins through the top layer of veneer.
I would not use staples on the roof, they tend to work lose and will find their way back out through the rubber. I would make a slit in the top veneer and squeeze a good quality marine glue in the slit. Cover with apiece of plastic so any glue that squeezes out will release, then weight it down and let dry.
Then use you eternabond or ?, and then cover with your roof coating.
A good source of DIY info on rubber roofs is the Dicor web site, get it straight from the horses mouth.