For the fresh water system there is an even better "Anti-Freeze" AIR yes AIR Now the truth is air can freeze (If I recall correctly -273C) but if it does you won't care about it (or for that matter anything else)
Open all valves in including low point drains,
Cycle the ice maker to gravity drain those lines. (manually cycle)
Drain and bypass the water heater on atwood disconnect a wire from the ECO
Drain anything in the fresh water tank (Not easy on my rig)
Lay a towel under the water pump inlet strainer and open it up and drain it. Run pump for oh say a minute dry (all valves including low point drains open)
Turn off pump
Hook up air compressor (i use a six gallon job) via a blow out adapter plug (any RV store or the proper shelf at Wallmart and blow grabial blow.
With a six gallon I run out of air let it recharge and blow again and again about 10 times.
Close valves
Put pink stuff in the toilets and drains
Empty waste tanks if you have a dump station (Else do that at the last park you visit) and then add another quart to one sink per gray tank and dump what's in toilet and replace it. Job done.
Come spring with the wet method you gotta flush all that **** out of the fresh system.
With the Dry system you just re-fill with bleach water (you do this anyway) flush all lines Then drain and fill with soda water. Flush all lines, Then drain and fill with fresh water. Flush all lines) in the course of flushing all the pink went to the waste tanks and from there you know where it goes.
Way way way easier than flushing the pink out of the fresh lines.