i think instead of buying something not yet on the market
i would have bought a mini split for the horse TT, about the same price point?
already exists , don't have to remove window and fabricate special mount
better EER
3/4 TON aka 9000BTU, 15 SEER, $519, available NOW
https://www.alpinehomeair.com/viewproduct.cfm?productID=453067103&linkfrom=froogle&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxtPYBRD6ARIsAKs1XJ7NGS5yH5XM5GYGGaQehxNPc_6D5eZwXzlGEDKRAkbWJ-8oZD9axBkaAt4yEALw_wcByes a 2000 should run any small window unit
mini splits google search