Your red and blue lights are not coming on. The red light should come one when you push the activate button and it should also come on when doing a power-off-reset. The blue light comes on when it receives an RF signal from the remote. Since you don't have a red light, you'll never get a blue light. Do your remote control jacks work? Most likely not since you don't have the red light. This isolates it to the controller board located with the battery under the cabover step. Since you can't get to the step with the slide in, you'll have to fix the manual crank and get it out. Don't forget the brake switch. There's a switch that requires you to disable the electric brake so the manual crank can work. WAIT! If that brake switch is not set right, then the remote won't work and the red activate light won't light. Maybe it's the brake switch you need to toggle. Keep us informed I have a 2012 Lance 855S and have had every known and many unknown problems with mine. I've fixed them all and I know how those things work.