Another question for my plans....
If I may at some time want to also have a set of portable panels (likely only if I ever expand battery capacity and/or find I want options to augment shade issues), is there anything I could/should do during the initial install to facilitate that? I guess my vision would be the portable system would simply plug into a pigtail or connector on the RV. If you check out
this video by the Wynn's at about 1:40 you'll see the connector they had on their RV for the portable system. Here's a photo of it for those of you not wanting to click through to the video:

I guess the more I see/learn about the wiring, it's probably reasonable to just do this add on later if/when I need to. It will likely just connect in to the current system pretty easily (especially if I buy a portable kit that has its own controller built in) and not require reworking any of the existing system. Would you agree? Anything I should take into account now?