I've read about Lots of flex panels that were having issues. Renogy pulled their earliest versions due to the amount of problems
I think some purchasers were under the impression that they could flap around in a rv's slipstream at 65mph without worry.
I got a 100 watt SunPower flex panel, I try to not flex it, or bend it much at all. I use it as a portable.
There are you tube reviews of flex panels with guys saying you can walk on them and such. I think this level of long term durability is long off in the future
The sunpower flex panels are basically 2x the $ per watt of the cheapest flex panels. Does this make them better as they claim? IDK, I'd hope so.
Lots of boaters were attaching the cheaper ones to flexible biminis and quick failures, then using very pricey Solbian flex panels and saying no issues, yet.
The coroplast likely burns nicely, but should help keep it cooler and the roof below from getting as hot. Perhaps two perpindicular layers so can flow from 4 directions instead of two, under it.
I've not measured mine's output with no/little vs excellent airflow underneath, but it certainly is hot when I no longer need its additional output to maintain absorption voltage and put it away, being careful to not bend it as it is even more flexible when hot.
I was considering making a thin stiffening frame out of some aluminum screen channel to keep bending to a minimum and add minimal thickness for when I store it.

$3.50 for 7 feet glue these to the roof, two per cell width, glue panel to them