It depends on so many variables:
Where you camp - cloudy winter northwest to sunny Arizona
What time of year - is the sun up high or way down on the horizon
How much TV do you watch, how much music time
Are you going to use the microwave to heat a cup of coffee on batteries
Do you like lots of lights on at night
Do you run the ceiling fans
Is it cool out and the furnace blower is working, two furnaces?
Lots and lots of variables.
An extra couple of panels costs very little overall. The big part of solar is figuring how you're going to install it, where to put the monitors and run the wiring. A little bit larger controller for three or four panels is almost nothing. If your going to go through the exercise, take an extra couple of hours and install three our four panels. (Solar is like horsepower, you never have too much and solar is cheaper than horsepower.)