Slownsy wrote:
I was hoping to use existing cables and go to 24V with MPPT charger and ad a couple of new panels to existing.
4 x 22.5 = 90 volts in series. Many MPPTs are good to about 100 Voc. some will do 150 Voc (at 25C/77F--and Voc goes up when it is colder, so pushing your luck at that if you camp in the cold.
Add another couple of new panels of what size? Two more 12v of any watts will be 2 x 23(say) = 46 more Voc, so total 90 + 46 = 136 so you could do it with an MPPT that has 150 Voc limit. 46Voc in a "24v" panel will be a single big one high 3xx watts. Not sure how you "match" for voltages doing it that way.
Getting up there in amps size of controller needed for that many array watts.
IMO since you get the same amps to the battery by leaving your existing set as is, and adding a second set as mentioned before, why do all that work? YMMV of course.