Forum Discussion

enolacamper's avatar
May 01, 2013

Splendide 2100XC not drying

I have a Splendide 2199XC in my 5th wheel. It doesn't dry very well. Then when you reset it to additional dry time it runs for a few minutes then goes into a the pre wash, low rinse and on off lights flashing. It sounds like the motor is running but nothing happening. Any one have any suggestions?
  • I was just about to scrap mine for the same problem when I accidentally downloaded their trouble shooting manual. I read that the number one problem with inadequate drying in clogged vent. I was lucky enough to access that back of my unit. I discovered that rather then trimming the vent hose to size it was installed with a BIG "u" bend in it. Sure enough there was a lint ball the size of a cantaloup in it. I cleaned it out and trimmed the hose until it went directly to the outside vent. Then I went all the way back in the other direction to the drum. I had the DW shine a flash light in the drum and turn it by hand until I could see light from all the vent hose. Got a couple of mouse nest size pile from the rear of the drum.

    Now the DW says it works better then it did when it was new. Sometime ask about what I did for the shaking and vibration.
  • 2nd the recommendation to call Splendide...they are very friendly and knowledgeable about their products. I found there customer support to be top notch.

    It does sound like your vent exhaust is clogged. Here's the info I received from Splendide:

    Clearing lint from Splendide’s Interior Duct
    1. Run the unit without clothes and with the dry time off on cycle # 11.
    2. When the water stops entering the unit push and hold the start button until all the lights come on then release the button.
    3. Next, move the cycle knob to cycle # 2 and press the start button once (do not hold).
    4. Let it run through that complete cycle. 
    5. Do this twice.

    If in frequent use, do this once each month to avoid buildup.

    If the above treatment fails, try it again, adding a cup of white vinegar to break down the deposited soap and fabric softener.

    1. Pull the unit out and remove flexible exhaust duct.
    2. Pick out as much lint as you can from the air outlet on the back of the dryer.
    3. Put a garden hose in the outlet and blow the blockage into the washer.
    4. Run the washer on a short cycle. The blockage breaks up and goes out the drain.

    While your working on the back of the unit I recommend cleaning out the dryer hose as it will eventually clog with lint. We do the vinegar once a month and remove the rubber flexible exhaust duct twice a year when we are living in our coach full time and using the Splendide almost daily.
  • If you read the flashing lights as one hexadecimal digit, that is your error code. You can either Google or call the factory to find out what the call out component is.

    for instance

    0000 = all lights on = Error code F
    XXXX = all lights off = Error code 0

    0X0X = 1010 = Error Code A


    Here's a link to a video I shot to show the factory rep what was happening when I got an error code 4:

    Splendide Video
  • Mine did the same thing, found out ( if you have an outside vent ) that the screen was plug, I did not know it had a screen, but way in the back of that cabinet there is a little door or hole and reach down there and you will find a screen, I clean mine out and went from drying for 3 hours to 30 minutes, good luck.
  • Mandalay Parr wrote:
    I would call their service number located on the machine.

    +1 Westland Sales customer service is great