The company that services our appliances, is great, and at our door within hours i not minutes. Just had to replace the motor in one o the house units.
Earlier this year we had another Capacitor replaced.Three or four in the alst several months. Only paid for two.
He stated that capacitors are now the number one reason or call outs.
They are all made in China.
He bought a supply of them necessary in his business, marked product of USA.
He showed me two capacitors,the one marked USA and the one he took off, marked made in China. Identical in every detail.
Where I buy our air conditioner filters, which are out sized. I asked him the difference between the two he stocked. He said about 10.00.
They stock and sell all kinds of AC parts and units to Installers or anyone.
I was told they use very thin treated paper or plastic, I have forgotten, in construction to cut costs, in China.
So your antique American made capacitor is made to last a lot longer.
Nothing worse than,the heat pump going out at 11:00 pm and it ninety degrees or, ten below but a great income for Producer and and importer and reapirmen, for what appears to the universal source.