landyacht318 wrote:
I am long done with any flooded marine/dual purpose jars for deep cycle duty. The Trojan T-1275 might find a way into my system if I desire more capacity, but for now the single Northstar group 27 AGM is BOTH house battery and engine starting battery. I use 35 to 55Ah nightly 4 to 6 nights a week. a 40 amp adjustable voltage power supply, a '120 amp' adjustable voltage alternator, and 200 watts of adjustable voltage solar, allow me to be able to keep this battery performing remarkably well.
And as always, I release flatulence in the direction of any automatic 'smart' charging source, and their marketers, CEO's lawyers and beancounters.
I gather you never did buy that CTEK Multi US 25000 Charger (Model #56-674) which you indicated in your Screwy 31 thread that you might? :h Obviously my needs are far simpler than yours but after forging through just a few pages of that discussion I'm now more inclined to go with a G27 AGM for all the reasons you detailed, not the least of which is an AGM's seemingly improved resistance to voltage sag when under heavy load from an inverter. At least my recently acquired CTEK Multi US 7002 (Model #56-353) would do a far better job of maintaining this battery than the crappy WFCO 8955 in my trailer, though I must admit I am still tempted to opt for the Multi 25000 instead if my plan is to opt for a more costly AGM battery.