brulaz wrote:
And once you get that toaster working, you may try something even more demanding ... as we are now doing
The issue there isn't technical but rather my wife :W ... she's just not interested at all in dry camping so doing more even if we could is unlikely. :( I've twice owned an EU2000i in an attempt to solve this but for a variety of reasons concluded it was just more trouble than it was worth. :R The reality is we normally camp on electric sites and usually only "dry camp" when for one reason or another we lose that campground power, or it brownouts to the point where my EMS disconnects until voltage later rises to a safe level. This being the case, battery longevity affected by deep cycling measured in the hundreds of times just isn't an issue for me as it is for those who really do dry camp on a regular basis. Rather, it's excessive voltage drop under heavy inverter load that I'd like to solve ... easy if I'm willing to throw $$$$ at the issue with multiple batteries but as I said earlier this solution seems like overkill when I'd only need this much reserve a few times each season. Multiple batteries, especially costly AGMs, then also raises the issue of how to best care for those batteries, the answer probably being spending even more $$$ for a converter such as a PD9260.
Load supporting the trailer battery with my truck has proven to be one solution to excessive voltage drop under inverter load but if a single AGM, whether G27 or G31, will avoid the need to hook up to the truck then that alone to me would justify the extra cost of an AGM. My current flooded Interstate G27 is now 9 yrs old and should be replaced anyway ... it's just a matter of "replaced with what" and at what cost? :h If that answer can be reasonably assumed to be a single AGM then my recently purchased CTEK Multi US 7002 charger is well suited to maintain that battery, certainly far better than the crappy WFCO in my trailer which
never produces a true bulk charge voltage. :M