Ha! I don't care anymore because I ordered this one:
http://www.hespv.ca/hesproductspecs/HES/Stark_Battery_TD_ENG.pdfBecause I believe everything it says in their advertising, especially the 300 cycles to 100% DOD, the small voltage sag under load, and all that! :)
Also the price is pretty good and it is in stock locally so no shipping, unlike the Deka which comes from Edmonton with wegosolar so there would be shipping.
Only thing is that 27A charging rate in the spec which makes it awkward with my higher amp converters. I do have my old Vector 35 amper that does 33a in real life and goes to 14.6v though, so I can use that and then leave it to float with a converter.
I don't know what happens if you manage to hit this battery with 55 amps or whatever instead of 27.