BFL13 wrote:
So your old 8a24 that you did the high amp discharges with also had the 30 percent recharge limit, so does that mean you can discharge faster than you can recharge and not wreck these things?
PT mentions gassing with too high a load as a problem with his AGMs (telecom) Does that apply to the Deka 8a too (and perhaps my Stark?
All of that is correct.
Also, please note the PT and I use temp-comp chargers. That protects us from the real threat of thermal runaway during charging because our chargers reduce Volts to control battery temperature.
Thermal runaway could happen during discharge. I do driveway tests like already mentioned above and use an IR gun or a sending unit of an indoor/outdoor thermometer placed on the battery. Plus, I am limited to a 1000W inverter. I don't recall any unusual temp rise.
In Quartzite, the Amp draw when the inverter shut off at 10V was likely around 70A from the 79AH battery. That is close to C1. Now if you allow that the battery was 5+yo, the draw could have exceeded C1. I do recall that next I began charging with the 50A charger. Now the max 30% rate for that battery was 79*.3=23.7A. What was I thinking? I don't recall noticing any unusual heat. Ambient temps were around 50F.
I just remembered that the Turnigy displayed a low of 9.84V. The Magnum inverter has a one minute allowance when 10V is reached. Now the 9.84V makes sense.
Maybe that is why it dropped a cell two months later. This was my training battery and I had treated it very badly over the 5 years.