I was searching for some performance reports on the UB121000, but should have known better.
Since nobody can really perform a 20 hour capacity test, there are claims of working just as good as new at 5 years ( impossible)
Just Fine( which means I have no idea, they just have not failed yet yet have total confidence in my purchase and seek approval from others)
or POS!!!( which means I drained them dead,left them dead for 6 months, and now they don't take a charge)
I always feared the self discharge on these UPG batteries, since it is not much better than a flooded battery, and the fact that they ship on the slow boat from China to sit in some area waiting for click order to be placed.
Who knows how long it sat on the shelf before 'Place order' was clicked.
I doubt they would bother top charging them ever.
They could arrive old discharged to 56%, and already sulfated with reduced capacity