Thanks LY, I will have to learn how this battery operates and look out for that kind of thing.
I picked up the Stark AGM121 and am doing the initial home stuff. It says on the box, Made in China, has some mysterious numbers on it here and there but not obvious how it is dated, so I have no idea how long it has been since built. (not the usual letter for the month and year combo but might be there in all that can't tell)
Has nice red and black patches by the terminals, which I like. Lifting straps are good and not in the way like with those usual flooded 27s). Terminals are threaded bolt holes on the top with a metal surround sticking up a little and you screw in the bolts to hold the wire lugs down.
Out of the box voltage was 12.82 Put the Vector 35 amper on it and it would not run except at the 2 amp setting (battery too full for the higher settings) It ran at 1.8 amps for about five minutes while battery voltage rose to 14.68 when the Vector stopped and sat there on but showing zero amps. (It will do that when it is trying to figure things out)
So after a while, I turned it off and started a "Recondition" (pulse thing).
Plan is to run that and then another 2 amp run, and leave it be for a day to see what the resting OC voltage is compared with the spec sheet allowed range of 12.8 to 13.3 ish for that 100% Full marker.
Then I can run some torture tests with the inverter and loads and report on how that goes. Probably should start a new thread on that testing.