Read my long post about the reaction between the permeability of plate surfaces. This reaction has to occur on both positive and negative plates.
Now take a moment and dwell on the following...
Why o why o why o why do TRUE deep cycle batteries have a lot more acid capacity than car jar batteries? No true deep cycle battery on the face of the earth has so little acid for so much plate surface active area as do car jar RV batteries.
Think about this point.
Do the true deep cycle batteries have an excess of acid or do the car jar batteries have an insufficient amount of acid?
Which battery type gets preferential design treatment from the battery manufacturer?
Then muse over the electrical EFFECTS that acid starvation has on the PERFORMANCE both discharge and recharging of the car jar battery.
What happens when a plate surface whose potential is READY to release sulfates into solution is inhibited by already saturated electrolyte? This is PART of the reason why cold temperatures cause the need for higher charging voltages.
ACID STARVATION. The bane of car jar cyclable batteries. Customers DEMAND more amperage capacity. Cells get more tightly packed with plates. The acid volume relationship gets poorer and poorer.
So does the ability of a charger to finish the last ten percent recharging the battery.
Why o why do true deep cycle batteries have "so much" acid? Golf car batteries? Scrubber batteries? Submarine batteries?
Why o why doesn't truly engineering oriented companies like Rolls & Surrette make car jar batteries?
There are no free lunches in this business.
Some jars are WORSE for starvation than others. Provide cells with the correct electrolyte / plate surface area relationship then see how that affects charging discharging electrical characteristics.
It would be LOVELY to have enough storage room to contain true deep cycle batteries that are not overly tall. But no one has the room to contain batteries that are not overly tall. Tall batteries generally do not move around to help agitate the electrolyte and help avoid stratification - the bane of tall batteries.
No free lunches. Mother nature sometimes is a cruel taskmaster.
This posting contains a lot of concepts and ideas. Please re-read until you absorb most of the permutations of design in relationship to what you experience with battery performance and recharging.