Found this at the rv water filter store:
1. Sediment and Modified Carbon Block filters – RV SED1/5, PR-1/5, F1/F1PB/F5,
a. These filters are naturally resistant to stagnation, so they are easy to care for. If you use your system regularly,
with no more than a month between uses, you can leave them in water in the canister. If you will not be using the
system for more than a month, then you should dump the water out of the canister and dry the filters. You can
put them back into the dry canister so they can be ready for next use. DO NOT ALLOW TO FREEZE. If the weather
will be freezing, put them in a dust free environment like a closet in a freezer bag.
a. This filter must be kept in water for it’s entire life. Drying it may result in the filter seizing up and not passing water
3. Resin Filters
a. These can be dried and reused, but you should take care to shake them to loosen up any clumps as they dry so
they can be reused next time. Again, they should be removed if the system will be unused for more than 1 month
4. GAC and CBC-10 carbon block
a. These filters have a higher tendency for stagnation, so they should be dried if left for more than 2 weeks vs a
month for the Sediment and Modified Carbon Block
5. Ceramic filters
a. These can be cleaned with a 3M scotch bright pad or the brush that the filter comes with in the case of the
Doulton RIO 2000. Rub the ceramic surface to remove the sediment and rinse. These filters can remain in water
indefinitely as long as they DO NOT FREEZE as they are bacteriostatic
a. Any filter with granulated carbon and KDF can be left in water or dried out like a resin filter. The KDF will prevent
bacteria growth so no need to remove these from the canister. If you do take them out, see 3 above for resin filter
for storage.