1. If you have 12 volts on the Brown AND NEG(GROUND) at the Green the board is bad
2. WHERE did you get your replacement Board? The reason I ask is, Atwood(Dometic) had hundreds of thousands of BAD boards a few years ago and they pulled ALL replacement boards from suppliers and replaced the Boards on all WH stock. DEALERS(Service Centers) if they had any sense(a lot don't) could send in their bad replacement boards and Dometic would replace them. But, since some business's are not honest, or just stupid, they would then sell those bad boards or someone on the Internet got hold of those bad boards and would sell them on the Internet. Because of this I would advise ANYBODY to not buy Dometic WH control boards off the Internet for a few more years. These BAD Boards did work but would fail after a few days/months. Some did fail at first operation. There is now way for Dometic to track the BAD boards. There is NO way for you or anybody to determine good new boards from the bad boards. It would appear you got a bad replacement board. Doug