Forum Discussion

Eagle670's avatar
Jul 15, 2016

Water Leak - HELP

I have used Rv sealer around everything on the roof including the front and rear seams. I have also caulked all the windows and fixtures on the sides of the trailer. I have replaced 90% of the floor thinking that we had solved the problem. We had a hard rain the other night and found the floor wet in one corner of a center wall. We haven't laid the vinyl yet so that's one good thing. Now i will remove the plywood in that one area and start again. I was told by a technician today to check my AC seal and that could be the issue. Has any else found this to be a problem? I told him that there is no sign of water on the ceiling but he said that the water an travel between the rubber roof and ceiling and find it's way down the wall. I hope that's the problem. This is frustrating beyond belief.
  • Thanks for the advice and responses. I pulled the cover off the A/C and found that the 4 bolts were really loose, so I fixed that, but we also found a spot around the fenderwell where the sealant was missing. After removing the panel we saw an opening that was right where we were seeing water on the inside. Hopefully once I repair that it we will be dry. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  • Finding the actual source of water leaks is a major PIA - take my advice and take your rig into a shop which can do a "pressure test" - this will identify all the leaks in the rig for about $125. This will tell you where your leaks are coming from and you can determine whether those leaks are DIY fixable or something you should have a pro address. Just my 02.
  • Speaking of marker lights, they will often have have witness marks inside them from water weeping in and then flowing through the center hole and into the wall cavity. The water leaks into the lens not just around the light body.
  • If the A/C is the only thing you haven't sealed do so.
    Also check your marker lights to make sure they are all sealed. Water can travel a long way before being seen inside.
    I had one marker light that had a opening about 1/8" that let water flow into the inside of the wall, travel down and sideways about 4 ft. before leaking in behind the cabinets and finally down the wall. I practically had to tear out the whole side waall to track down the leak.
    Start where you see the water inside and work backwards till you find the point of entry.
  • If you remove the ac grill you may be able to see the edge of the ac gasket. The water can leak in and ot show in that area. I had a leak at the rubber boot for the antenna cable and the water leaked out of a light fixture about 4 feet away. The boot didn't look bad or loose but had relaxed just enough for water to seep in. Also look at the roof ac roof opening to see if the sandwich type construction has collapsed under the tension of the ac bolts and gasket.