Some water and power companies may object to providing save to a "Sticks and Bricks"
now today there is a trend toward "Tiny Homes" in many communities. These are houses not much larger than a common one room efficiency apartment. In some cases even smaller.
Every RVer can use a storage building. So build yourself a "Tiny House" but use it for storage. put power and water (And sewer) to it, and hook up.
Use the house for storage.
Note some of the places that build pre-built Garages and storage buildings can likely factory build that Tiny House for you (i've seen them on trailers going down the road) and simply deliver it to your log, all pre-assembled, Level it up, stake it down and hook it up. Low cost too. (I do not knwo where you are but I've been to campgroudns that use them for Camper Cabins Some are built on site, some trucked in).