jrat wrote:
Hello all. I have a parallax converter in my trailer and have a question. I understand the black and red wire coming from the battery. On the same lug as the black wire is a smaller white wire. What is that from? Also, between the red and black lugs is a blue wire labelled only as VCC. The manual doesn't identify this wire. What is it? I ask because I was poking around checking my fuses and noticed the first inch of this blue wire was charred like it heated up too much. My 12V system works fine. My 120 all works when on shore power or geny. The only potential issue is my batteries don't seem to charge well if on shore power. Does this wire charge the batteries? I trimmed and redid the blue wire and have seen no further issue. I unhooked at the battery and while on a geny was getting 3.08 volts between the positive and negative battery cables. Is that too low? thanks,
The 12v systems are powered by either Parallax converter (13.8v) or battery (12.7v or below) from those pos and neg lugs on the DC fuse panel. The blue converter wire is on the lug with the red battery wire and the white converter wire is on the neg battery lug with the neg battery wire (white or black depending if the pos is red or black---never mind!!!! :) )
When the converter is on getting 120v from gen or shore power, its 13.8v will run the rig plus charge the 12v battery using that 1v voltage spread to get some amps. (this is slow going , you really want to charge a 12v batt at 14.x volts to get a good spread and more amps)
With batt disconnected the voltage at those lugs with converter on should be 13.8v. With batts connected and batts low, the voltage seen at the battery posts would be somewhat less than 13.8, due to current flowing on the wire (called voltage drop) voltage rising as the batts get more full (less current, less voltage drop).
If that 3.08 is not a typo for 13.8, then check the two 30 amp fuses on that same DC dist panel the lugs are on--those are reverse polarity fuses that blow if you wire the battery backwards. If the battery is wired backwards (reversed) your 12v stuff will work except the fans will go the wrong way around, but the converter will not work.