StirCrazy wrote:
Ok so building another battery and I am wondering what the smallest size inverter people would run in a camper.
I am thinking if I get a 1500 watt inverter and if I decide to put a microwave in at some point then get a smaller 700 watt one. is a 1500 watt inverter proacticle for most normal stuff?
the reason I am looking at that siaze is that is about a 125 amp draw so I can go with a 150 amp BMS and not be running flat out.
depends a lot on what you want to run. If it's only a TV or other low draw appliances, 300-500 or even less may be adeqate
Want to run a microwave, 1000W is enough........ ok the flames will begin with "can't run a microwave on a 1000W inverter". Well stop by, I've done it for 8 years now, easy peasy. All it takes is a panasonic true inverter microwave, run it at 50% power and that's what it draws, non of the 100% 0% 100% stuff. And at 50% it doesn't take twice as long, maybe 50% longer. BTW panasonic makes a true inverter microwave that is a drop in fit for the vast majority of RV microwaves, and it's a much better microwave overall than the typical RV microwave and a decent price.
And along with that, we run a 800W Keuring coffee maker on occasion, (the one you often see in hotel rooms) and we have a travel hair dryer with a 750W and 1200W setting, stick with the 750 W when on battery power.
Now if you want to go whole hog, 1500-2000W will cover most anything assuming you can put in a battery bank, wiring, and inverter location to support the 4/0 cabling.