Over on an automotive forum, the following charger seems to have developed a following of loyalists.
https://www.amazon.com/SOLAR-PL2310-Pro-Logix-Battery-Charger/dp/B009RXYU4I?th=1No personal experience with it.
I do the adjustable voltage power supply thing, modified with more ventilation heatsinking and a better trim pot, but in 2007 I bought a schumacher sc2500a which was only on the market for a year or so before being pulled.
It would regularly decide to go up into the 16.4v range at full output and make it sound as if sulfuric acid was actually boiling inside the battery. The AGM setting largely prevents this occurrence.
I did at one point, modify it with a better fan, but that fan is now on my Meanwell powersupply. Its 12 awg power leads would heat up greatly passing 25 amps, and the copper within the wiring was black when I investigated further.
It now has a short length of 10AWG to circuit board with some 45 amp anderson powerpoles. The voltage reading on the display, always read way lower than actual voltage at battery and the 10AWG modification increased this disparity.
The display no longer works. All the buttons and lights are now lit and the display always reads 18.8v. Kind of a blessing.
It Does still work. I have a separate wattmeter on the outputs, I just have to remember to push one buton twice to set it to AGM( on a flooded battery) and another buttton once twice or 3 times for 2 12 or 25 amps.
Its fan is now a 60MM fan that I pulled from the Smoked cheapowatt (may it rest in pieces).
The schumacher now recharges the screwy 31 which powers lots of cast off 12v items in my meager workshop shed.
It does start automatically after a while when it gets power and is already hooked to a battery, but on the regular setting, and at 2 amps, which tries to as high as 16.4v if left alone.
Sometimes I will parallel the Schumacher and my Meanwell power supply for 65 amps, but I have to dial meanwell upto 15.3v to get it to stay at 40 amps until the battery approaches the 14.7v range.
I was unable to leave the Schumacher alone on a battery back when it was my only 120vAC charging source. It required babysitting lest it decide that 16.4v was required.
NOw the power supply just seeks and holds any voltage I desire. So at some point I need to lower it from 14.7 to 13.6v.
I know in this day and age where everything needs to be automatic lest the human have an emotional breakdown and not be able to spit out "just fine, just fine, just fine" lika a insane parrot, this is undesirable.
The adjustable voltage power supply route is certainly not for everyone as it is a manual charger. But I feel it is way superior than some automatic device being uncontrollable because it thinks it is smart.
Any electronic device which creates heat will benefit from a better more reliable fan. The computer muffin fans available today range from sleeve bearing jokes to rather insane levels of engineering and production.
If fan failure means device failure, then perhaps one should implement a better fan as preventative medicine.
Look up Noctua's offerings.