Suggest you find out what the torque should be and estimate how to achieve it. Then re-check the tire shop's tightening. For example our Ford Class C chassis wants 140-ft-lb. I can do that fairly easily with my 1/2" drive torque wrench that has a handle nearly 2-ft long. I have a 4-way light truck wrench that's about 2-ft across. I have to go pretty much all-out to match 140 with that 4-way, one arm pulling one end of the cross, the other pushing the opposite end. Knowing that helps me be comfortable checking lugs or changing a tire. I don't keep the torque wrench with me on trips.
In any event, DO check all the nuts and DO re-check once in awhile. Particularly the Left/Driver side. All things equal, that's the side which'll work loose first.