Just so I'm making myself clear to folks reading along...
My developing preference for "air method" over "RV anti-freeze" is based on convenience and practicality...not cost or anything against anti-freeze.
We will use our TT year-round (it will not be stored for the winter months) so it doesn't seem to make sense to winterize the fresh-water system with RV anti-freeze (other than the small amount poured in the P-traps and toilet). Otherwise our winter camping would be continuous cycle of winterize after use, de-winterize before use, winterize again when done, etc., etc. Is that what folks do?
I've read that it takes a long time (some report weeks) to get rid of the "anti-freeze" smell/taste from the fresh water system. Is there a problem with anti-freeze causing bad smell or taste to fresh water system? Does it require treatment (e.g., vinegar or bleach mixture) to eliminate the smell/taste before the fresh water tank can be filled up and used?