With some jurisdictions outlawing "Jake brakes", IE the use of velves to get compression braking, exhaust valves do a similar effect. With out the noise issue.
I had a couple of mid '70s Macks, 1 had factory installed jake, the other had add on exhaust brake. Driving and maintaining them, I can say for sure they don't really have similar effect. Jake far and away better.
In the HD market, for likely 25 years a compression brake has become pretty standard. And while the laws about compression brakes are on the books most engines make about the same noise pulling hard as slowing. Inside cab noise standards might of caused a redesign. And most operators understanding the engine is designed to work best with mufflers also reduces that problem.
On this site, any time somebody asks about using spark plug engine to move their RV, 1 of the next 3 replies will be
YOU WILL BE IN THE TRUCK LANE ALL THE TIME! In a day's drive, the time spent going up or down a steep enough to really slow you will not reduce average speed by much. Either most can't do the math, or the fact somebody passes them is a insult to manhood.
With all the issues with diesel emission systems, and cost to repair, not sure I would want to go that way.