Leaking Expansion/Freeze Plugs
The engine is in the truck and runs great. MPG with TC was 9.4, nothing to especially write home about. The problem I'm having is coolant leaking out of 2, possibly 3 plugs. 1 left, 1 right, and possibly 1 on the left rear of the block inside the bellhousing. With 3 leaking, it calls into question if any of the 4 plugs behind the timing cover, inside the engine are leaking. There is no evidence in the oil of any sort of leak. Dots of coolant on dipstick, or froth. I have a 180 degree thermostat in now and the engine temp is at 169 degrees solidly. I'm going to install a 195 thermostat today, and I figure that will raise the running temperature to 180-185 degrees. The machinist, engine builder says they build all their engines with the same sealant, a non RTV sealer, and that it may leak for a while but should seal by 500 miles. I have 200 now. He says if there is a problem, they have a way to seal the plugs. Not Barsleak.
I posted a 4 minute video on my CITAP1 YouTube channel if anyone's interested in seeing the leaks.
Updates coming.