mkirsch wrote:
So that makes you a "hold me beer" type?
Really, I don't understand what you think is so avant-garde, daring, revolutionary, or rebellious about what you did. It's "ALL VEHICLE" coolant. They couldn't market and sell it as such if it didn't work with ALL coolants. Bottle doesn't say "All but Dexcool" it says "ALL," period.
Should say right on the jug in the fine print what it's compatible with. For sure for legal CYA purposes it would CLEARLY say what it's NOT compatible with. If it doesn't say "Not for use with Dexcool" on the jug, you use it, and it damages your engine, they owe you an engine and there is no court of law on in the United States that would rule otherwise.
Don't know what back country hillbilly Walmart you went into, but my back country hillbilly Walmart carried Dexcool and all the other "special" coolants as recently as last July.
In other words, you don’t have experience mixing it, correct?