Forum Discussion

wowens79's avatar
Explorer III
Jun 23, 2016

13.5 vs 15k A/C

Well we sold out Pop Up last night, in less than 24 hours, for $1000 less than we paid for it 9 years ago!! Best $6k I ever spent!, now we are in the hunt for a TT.

We are looking at about a 28ft box with bunks, not the bunkhouse, just a little smaller. Would only a 13.5k A/C be a deal breaker?? We live in GA, so A/C is very important. Price difference is minor, but some we've seen only have a 13.5. Will that keep it comfortable in the heat down here?? We are looking at fiberglass sided campers that are supposed to be better insulated, but not sure it that is just sales hype.

Thanks for any advice, I'm probably gonna have a lot of questions coming up.
  • we had 2 TT's that came with 13.5's ( 1 @ 29' - 1 @ 32')... both seamed to work fine , till it was time to replace them.. Went up to the 15k both times.. YES , there is a difference...

    deal breaker - ???? for me , probably not , as a lot of my camping is in the North East... But if ordering a new one , without a doubt
  • I've had both in 28' boxes. Different trailers, so the comparison isn't entirely accurate, but FWIW, the 15k provides noticeably more cooling...not enough that the 13.5 would be a deal breaker, but I'd certainly take 15k if I could get it. Between the two, the 13.5 could generally maintain a 20-21 degree differential to the outside temp with the typical use in the trailer. The 15 maintains a 25 degree differential. The 15k difference was enough that I ordered the trailer just to get it (instead of taking an otherwise identical one off the lot).
  • We had a 31 foot Springdale TT that had one single 13,500 AC (ducted air). The camper was open, no walls, except for the bathroom, from end to end. We traveled from Florida to Minnesota and never had problems with the AC not able to keep things cool enough to be comfortable.

    When we traded and got the Outback 35 foot TT with walled bed room and separate walled bathroom, it came with a 13, 500 AC ducted air also. When outside temps were below 90 and we could start the air in the morning, it did well. Over 90 or trying to cool it down after traveling all day, it just couldn't keep up.

    Last Summer we swapped over for a 15,000. Same TT, same weather conditions, and a BIG difference! Over 90 and we chilling inside now. Best choice we could have done.

    Considering you are in a climate prone for longer hotter days than us Northerners are... well, let me just say; I know you will NOT be disappointed if you get the 15,000. But you might be if you settle for the 13,500. Considering where you live, I'd settle on only the 15,000 after my personal experiences now.

    Edit: I'm experiencing finger "fart" today. I can't type numbers today worth squat! ARRR!.
  • Being that your in the south, I would make the 15K a priority. Our old 32' (28' box)had a 15K and even with it, during a hot Texas summer day in full sun the temps would get up to 78+.
  • 13.5 AC should be fine. We have 13.5 AC unit in our 30 foot Salem by Forest River. We've traveled for 10 hours in 90+ deg heat across GA several times. Yes...when at destination it takes an hour to cool it off...but its a box that's been in the sun. However, once cooled down, the AC does its thing and keeps us cool via the auto thermostat (turns off/on based on temp).

    Point is...I worried about 13.5 vs 15. 15 would have been great, but we are happy with 13.5. We've even camped in 100+ temps and it did okay.