Forum Discussion

mfdengineer's avatar
Oct 30, 2013

1984 Holiday Rambler Imperial 29 TT

Hello all,
I am new to this forum but have been camping for a good while now. I have an old Holiday Rambler that is in good condition but I have been updating some things. I have replaced the kitchen countertop, sink, and faucet along with new wallpaper on the backsplash. I also have replaced the bathroom countertop, sink and faucet. I am now working on painting the door hardware brushed nickel and peeling off the old gold on the cabinet trim pieces. It is starting to look fairly good.

My reason for posting is this. I have decided that I would like to freshen up the outside paint and stripes. I have read up on using bar keepers friend to restore the paint and seal it with zep floor finish. I plan on doing all that but I want to get the stripes situated first. The sides are not in very bad shape but the front and back are. I have been quoted $700-$1100 for replicating the stock stripes depending on if I opt for roll stripes or digitally printed stripes. I am not sure if I want to invest that much money in vinyl stripes.

I would like opinions on this matter.
  • Would you replace all of the vinyl? And if so, what colors would you go with? (Stock or otherwise)
  • Would you just replace the front and rear where the stripes are missing?
  • Would you just paint over the old stripes and tape where the missing stripes are?

I have uploaded photos of the rv and my work progress to my photobucket album. Please view them and share your opinions. I would certainly appreciate all input.

Link to view album
  • OP, my sides are in pretty good shape too, although when one gets up close the cracks and age really show up! If you paint the stripes on 3M makes fine line tape especially for this purpose.
  • If you want to tackle the stripe painting, it's not that difficult. You'll have to schedule which coat gets painted in a schedule. The background gets painted first, of course, and the stripes follow in succession. Allow some dry time between coats so your tape doesn't pull up the former coats (two days in moderate climate). Straight lines can be marked with a carpenters snap line and the tape is aligned with the snapped chalk line.
    Green "Frog" tape is the most forgiving but standard masking tape works about as well.

    I did some accent stripes on my rig after painting the body and other panels on my trailer:

  • Thanks everyone for the kind words. I have put a lot of effort into this rig and it is starting to show. For its age, it really is in pretty good shape.

    I think I have decided against paying that much money for vinyl that will not last forever. I will probably be hanging on to this rv for a while considering the work that I am doing to it. I will either go with the above idea of just removing the vinyl on front and back, repaint the front black section and just leave it that way. Or option two would be to just paint the stripes on front and back and leave sides as is. The sides are not in terrible shape, but you can definitely see the cracks and age when you get up close.

    I would like to remove all of the vinyl and paint the stripes on but that seems like a great deal of work for a rookie like myself. The red, white and blue stripes in the center of the gold panel section would be tedious to do. The others don't seem as bad, but I'm not certain that I could tape it off straight enough. I may test the waters on the front section since it is in the worst condition.

    Again, I appreciate everyone's input. I have really enjoyed reading this forum since I have joined a few days ago. I will take more photos as work progresses and share it here.

  • Sharp rig! Looks really great for the year. I'd just remove the stripes on the front and rear and call it a day.
  • I've never done this but, I think if you painted over the old stripes it would look like heck. Just my opinion.

    Have a nice Day.
  • What a great looking rig for it's year. I'd stick with the stock colors and take the previous advice of getting them painted to match and protect the newly painted area with clear coat for longevity. That's a bit steep for vinyl which will just fade and shrink again from the sun.
    The sides look great....I'd just touch up the ends.

    Well Done!

  • Nice rig. Your work looks really nice. If you already have an air compressor, any decent auto paint supply store should be able to make a paint close to those colors. Just take some pics, remove the old stripes, tape it off and paint it. With all you have done, I'm sure this would be a relatively easy project for you.
  • That's really a fine older rig and you did a great job with the sinks and countertops. 'Attaboy!

    The sides and back of your Holiday look to be in good shape. The front needs some touch up but that can all be fixed. With the newer plastic friendly sprays like Krylon, anything can be painted. If you can't manage the job yourself, I'm sure a local body shop or painter can handle it. $1K would be a very high estimate in my area for that type of job.