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Lexicon7's avatar
Jul 27, 2014

1995 Lance Squire Water Heater Question :::

Getting ready to go full time in Aug and my water heater pilot tube stays burning along side the main burner tube. The pilot is burning yellow and the burner LP blue... Is this a problem?
  • Wow thanks Buisc! That is sort of how I had conceptualized the process but you want to do these things correctly!

    Here's an out of box question::: Why don't we have full time "always on" dedicated solar RV water heaters? And I don't need or desire scalding hot water...
    Just not cold for showers sometimes!???
  • Lexicon7 wrote:
    Thanks guys, I since found a YT vid showing the removal & replacement process and for old drain plug too... How exactly do I flush?

    Turn off water supply
    Relieve faucet
    Remove drain plug

    Then what I do....
    Turn water supply back on and let it blow out drain
    Then turn water supply back off
    Attach WH Wand to hose...stick thru drain hole and flush away.
    (WAND..available at any rv parts store.....even Walmart)
    Then I give it one more flush with water supply on

    Clean up drain hole threads..I use a short pipe nipple (1/2" pipe thread if Atwood-----3/4" pipe thread if Suburban). Screw nipple in/out of drain hole to chase threads.
    Then install drain plug.
  • Thanks guys, I since found a YT vid showing the removal & replacement process and for old drain plug too... How exactly do I flush?
  • The Pressure Relief Valve is a safety valve.......opens on high temp and/or high pressure.
    Leaking when on-board pump is in service......needs replaced

    Sometimes they will weep when heating the water. That is due to loss of air pocket in top of tank. Water swells when heated and the air pocket allows for this swelling without an increase in pressure (water can not be compressed so without the air pocket pressure inside tank increases causing PRV to weep)

    The air pocket is normally established when first filling water heater. But over time in use the air pocket can be absorbed into the water.

    So after you replace that old crusty PRV and you find it weeping when heating the water.....
    Turn off water supply
    Open closest faucet hot side to relief pressure
    Open PRV via lever
    When water stops flowing out let PRV snap close
    Close faucet.turn on water supply

    Think that is what your old manual was referring to....establishing that air pocket

  • Relieve the pressure before lighting the heater? Never heard that before, wonder what the reasoning is. To ensure an air gap, to check its function? Every time I mess with the relief-it leaks. If you do change it out would be a good time to flush tank.

    Oh you said air relief-I assumed the pressure/temp relief valve
  • Hi guys, thanks for both great responses! I need to remove the pilot tube and blow out whatever is living in there and did plan to leave the WH off until needed so completely agree with you Gregg...
    I had forgotten about another pesky problem... I guess it's the Air Relief Valve keeps leaking a lot. Seems like the plunger assembly in there is real old and sticky and I moved it and probably should have left it alone. I have the old manual and it says to relieve it before lighting each season. It leaks so much that if you leave the pump on, it is detecting a pressure differential and gives short bursts of activity so it thinks it is supposed to be pumping something somewhere??!!! I guess I need to replace it or..?
  • We don't leave our water heater on all the time, we just turn it on when we start breakfast or dinner, you don't need to have hot water available all the time a waste of propane
  • Main flame for heating water will go ON/go OFF via temp control setting. Pilot flame will light main flame when gas control opens. Pilot flame will (should) remain ON until you turn control knob OFF
  • Bisquit, thanks for the response. I'm new to LP so one more thing.. the WH's on all RV's do shut off with the thermostat when it reaches the set temp right? Just still using the b-room in the house until the end of the month so still in the testing stages of my rig...