Here is the BF industries specs and pictures for all the 2000 year BF's. Scroll down to the 1500's. They made little changes to these series campers.
OOP's I see that you already did that.... The specs are going to be very close to the same. They made little changes during those years. would not hesitate purchasing a BF if the price is right and if there are not side bulges and making sure that the roof is in good shape. Check for discoloration of the ceiling inside cause by vent leaking. Check inside the bottom cabinets for any water damage of the floor. Walk heavily on the floor checking for any weak spots. Open the outside accesses an look for water damage especially at the rear!
Other than that you might have to do some upgrades to the converter/charger if that has not already been done.
Good luck and PM me if you have any questions.