Forum Discussion

bens170's avatar
Dec 26, 2013

2003 Lance 1161 TC steps

Any help would be greatly appreciated in replacing and/or repairing the single step into my 2003 Lance 1161 TC. I contacted Dennis Ours @
Lance Camper, apparently he thought the 1161 TC was a back door entrance. Also how many steps are on the Lance 1161?
Thank you.
  • Sleepy, Gary & Fish 'n' Grits thanks for all the help. The DW & I thought the TC was missing a set of steps. We will be using our Home Depot approximately 8 dollar, with military discount, 2 step stepstool.
    Again thanks
    Ben & Ruth
  • Sleepy, thanks, no need for pictures,just stay warm. Gary, thank you also. Fish 'n' Grits thank you, too. I thought that I had lost my marbles, concerning the TC step.
    A to new us 2003 Lance 1161 TC.
  • My 2003 1161 has 2 steps. I got them as a replacement from Lance when our TC was brand new.(Get the ones that were on the 2004 1161... you'll have to adapt them slightly to fit the existing bolts. If you get desperate I'll crawl under and take pictures.... it's extremely cold outside.)

    The single step is still around... I have,t found anyone that wants it.
  • Our 04 has 2 steps. To stow them away for travel the lower step flips up and sits on the top step, and the whole assembly slides back and stowes under the door.