There's a "2008.5 steering upgrade", and a "tie-rod end" recall.
The steering upgrade was usually done on Chrysler's dime if your truck was within warranty.
The TRE recall was a safety recall, done on Chrysler's dime.
Unless you have modified your ssuspension, then you may get denied.
I didn't have to pay for my steering upgrade despite my suspension mods, but I was denied the TRE recall because of my the same dealer. Makes no sense at all.
At any rate, here's info on the steering recall:
Cummins Forum 2008.5 Steering upgradeYou can buy the parts yourself, here's one place that sells everything complete:
Strapt Performance 2008.5 steering parts kitHere's info for the TRE recall:
TRE Recall infoWandering steering can be any number of things.
I had wandering steering, and in my case, my steering box was bad.
You really need to find a shop well-versed in live-axle front ends and their issues...and also who is familiar with the Dodge Ram's in particular.
Don't skimp on the front-end components on these trucks, and don't overlook routine maintenance. Also, it pays to keep an eye on things by crawling up under there every now and then,