languiduck wrote:
Not sensitive at all. I acknowledged the shortcomings of the Ford. They do have issues. I also offered what I personally found that can be done to offset these shortcomings.
The testy part comes in when someone disagrees with the likes of yourself and then you accuse them of being testy because they offered something different than your viewpoint.
It seems that there are plenty of folks around here that have good experiences with their 6.0 trucks, yet some people (who have 0 experience with them but believe all the rhetoric they read) keep trying to convince them they are junk.
I can't speak for anyone but me, but I tire of people who have no real word experience bashing something they don't know anything about just because they read it somewhere. The problem is, there is some truth to it but not to the extent it is believed to be. The horrible track record you speak of are only from a small percentage of horror stories and has ballooned out of control and the unforgiving rhetoric just multiplies and feeds itself.
I would not say anything bad about any of those transmissions you mentioned because I have no experience with them. I would say that people have figured out a way to deal with that shortcoming though, and in the end it makes for a very nice and reliable truck. Works both ways.
You see what I mean? You just made my point.
Also, along your line of thinking, the only way to know if Ebola is dangerous is to get Ebola. Otherwise, you don't what you're talking about. I see. Seriously, you think all the problems with the 6.0, and the BILLIONS Ford has paid, are not real? WOW.