eluwak wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
todouble wrote:
Well if I read most of the posts on this forum, I would never have bought one. The 2008, 6.4 that I do own has been excellent. It is a towing machine. With the price of trucks today, I doubt I'll ever replace this one for some time. It currently has 88k miles. Empty it gets 13 mpg, towing it gets 9.5 to 10 mpg. I must have bought one of the few good 6.4 ford trucks out there. :R. Go figure.
x3...bunch of 6.4 haters around here. Not one prob with mine either. love it and wouldnt trade!
I truly wish you the best of luck!
I am sure all the others felt the same before their truck had problems.
The thread "stranded in Huston" comes to mind.
Was that a 6.4? I thought it was a 6.0...
(edit) yeah that was a 6.0
Yes I knew it was a 6.0 but story still applies.
I gave up on the 6.2/6.5 GM's and went to Cummins 12 Valve bought at 50K and now has 380K.
IMHO just not worth taking a chance when there are other good options with a much better track record.
My Aunt's Brother had 6.9, 7.3, 6.0, 6.4 and now 6.7 Fords. All gave him problems. Have not heard any bad with his new 6.7. He has been called stubborn on more than one occasion!