Forum Discussion

mooring_product's avatar
Apr 01, 2014

2012 RAM 3500 rear suspension enhancement

The truck handles great but is sagging when loaded with water. I already have the upper stable loads and don't like air bags. Want to raise it about an inch or two..

Looking at either the Timbrens, Firestone work rite or the Air Lift air cell.

They all three seem to do the same thing but only the Timbrens are talked about and have been around for decades. Also someone has already installed them on a similar truck and liked them..

Anyone run the Firestone or Air Lift? Cheaper then the Timbrens also..
  • Here is the truck and camper with no water . Its somewhat level...I can't find any pictures with full water.

    I like the idea of the lower stable loads just not excited about drilling the holes in the springs..
  • 3_tons's avatar
    Explorer III
    805gregg wrote:
    Only slightly stiffer than stock is solid suspension on my truck

    Well after all Sir, you are driving a 'Heavy Duty' truck...My advice, stay away from a dually which rides 'slightly' stiffer than even your SRW due to it's tires narrower side walls...(been there done that)...
  • I would put on the lower Stableloads, you will get that extra 1-1 1/2 inches easily.
  • Only slightly stiffer than stock is solid suspension on my truck
  • 3_tons's avatar
    Explorer III
    Starting out with Supersprings sway stops (to engage overloads - helps sway condition), I added two extra leafs per rear side in the primary pack and sag forever no more. Truck is a 2007 3500 4x4 DRW Dodge CTD Quad cab...Even with about 55gals water aboard, full of fuel, 4,900# camper (when fully stocked), and with 40" stinger and several hundred pounds of trailer tongue weight (16'x7' cargo), truck will not sag. Spring shop said spring capacity now exceeds a 4500 series and surprisingly ride without TC is only slightly stiffer than is a stock 3500. With TC aboard ride is fantastic - you might well forget that TC is even aboard with or without loaded trailer tongue weight. In my current view other remedies are half measures.

    Best Regards,

    3 tons
  • I have Firestones on My Dodge for 10 years, they work great, I added an onboard air for in cab adjustment, when you are on the road check the semi's lots have air ride
  • You should be able to add the lower StableLoads to get less sag. With upper and lower StableLoads, I can carry my AF 811 without any air in my bags. I only use the bags to compensate for heavy tongue weights when towing.
  • I can't think of why one would be better than the other. It might be worth looking at how easy each is to adjust to get like you want. From what I understand, they can be set to engage with different amounts of deflection.
  • Timbrens won't raise rear.......just help with support.
    They are a progressive rubber spring.

    Only in play when loaded.