Forum Discussion

breeno's avatar
Apr 27, 2013

2013 F350 Shopping: Options to consider?

So I'm considering upgrading my TV to get some breathing room on my payload. As much as I love my Tundra, after hitching up and loading up the family, I have no more capacity to toss motorcycle/scooter/generators/firewood in the bed. Standard 1/2 ton woes, really. When we bought the Tundra, a TT wasn't even a consideration (we had a popup) --but, alas, here we are, with our new 32' TT...

I shopped F250s initially at first, but the payload (via yellow door stickers) numbers are underwhelming (2k-ish). As the F350 isn't a bunch more $$ -- and I've been seeing yellow sticker reported payload numbers of 3200-3400# it looks like the F350 is right choice for our needs.

Anyway -- I've located a nice candidate locally:
2013 F350 SRW PSD 6.7 w/ 8' bed Lariat w/ 3.55

Ordering is certainly an option, although I have a long summer trip in the mountains planned and I'd love to have the new TV for that trip.

My use:
- Current TT is around 6.5k ready-to-camp
- Anticipated bed load of motorcycle, scooter, generator, firewood, etc around 1.5k or so

Clearly I'm not going to be using much of this truck, but I really don't want to have to deal with buying a new TV for sometime, so I'm thinking now is the time to buy "enough" truck for the future and be done with it. I'm not keen on a DRW vehicle, as my wife would never EVER drive that thing, and I do like swapping cars with her on occasion.

So my question for folks who know F350s -- are there any "must consider" options that I should look for?
I've been pouring over threads on various forums, but I'm trying to avoid a forehead-slapping "Doh! I should have gotten one with that feature!" moments after plunking down a massive stack of $ for one of these things. Any feedback much appreciated!